QHCSIM USERS GUIDE QHCSIM is an extended period simulator for hydraulics and water quality within pressurized pipe networks. A network can consist of pipes, nodes (pipe junctions), pumps, and storage tanks or reservoirs. QHCSIM tracks the flow in each pipe, the pressure at each node, the height of water in each tank, and the concentration of a contaminant at each node during each hour of a multiperiod simulation. The syntax for running QHCSIM is: QHCSIM infile outfile where infile is the name of an input data file and outfile is the name of an output file. Each line of the input file consists of a keyword in capital letters followed by one or more data values as required by the keyword. The keywords and their required data values are as follows: TITLE NODE PIPE TANK PUMP The following 3 data items refer to the coefficients of the pump characteristic curve: H = A*Q**2 + B*Q + C. CONTROL